We went to Karen's Mom's house for supper on Saturday night. She's a great cook (like her youngest daughter!) and Bethany got to go in for a swim at the pool at the apartment. Joel was at a Birthday Party.
On Sunday we had some friends over for lunch on one of those spur of the moment kind of things. It wasn't fancy, but there was lots of good food and friendship. That's one of the funny things about hospitality - people don't really care if its a fancy meal on fancy plates. What they really care about is getting together with friends. Don't get me wrong. We have friends who put on fancy meals on fancy plates because they love doing it, and they still manage to be very hospitable. But most of us shouldn't be intimidated by hospitality just because the house isn't perfect, etc.
Karen tells me she'd like more people to comment on my blog. I guess I'm of two minds. It's interesting to see people's thoughts and to get a better idea as to who reads my blog, but on the other hand my blog is my musings and I would have these musings even if nobody else were to read them. I periodically archive my blog to my computer as a personal diary. Maybe in years to come I'll go back and read my comments. So feel free to comment or to lurk, as you see fit.
A former employee of mine returned from a vacation in China and left me a gift of green tea. I brought it home to share it with Karen. I still have some green tea at work given to me by another former employee who returned from a vacation in China. It's the kind of thing I drink occasionally and enjoy when I do, but don't do too often. I just never think of it.
Tonight I want to work on some sermons. I have some messages coming up in 1 John. I've really been enjoying studying the passage, but now comes the real work of turning it into a sermon.
We have little privacy at work, because you can hear all the people in the cubes around you talking. This morning I heard the guy in the cube talking on the phone. "Yes, he has liver problems and now we find out he has diabetes. He's 6 years old, and with the right medicines he might make it to 13 years old." I felt terrible! You think you have problems and then you hear this kind of thing. My heart went out to that family. Then the guy says, "Yes, the vet says the medicine will cost about a dollar a day." Well, I feel bad for the dog but it did change my perspective on things!