Tuesday, August 17, 2004

School Days

We started school again last Monday. Karen and the kids couldn't wait to get started, and since we home school, there is no reason to wait! Also, in the back of our minds is the fact that by starting early we can take more days off throughout the year when Hannah is fussy, and still meet the legal requirement of teaching for 180 days.

Karen planned a special "kick off" breakfast on Monday morning. It had a Disney theme, with pictures, stuffed characters, a special tablecloth and quite a selection of foods (including sausages, scrambled eggs and a "breakfast lasagna" made with pancakes and fruit). Of course, Hannah picked that night to be a fusspot. By 4am, Karen still hadn't gotten to sleep, so I took Hannah downstairs for a couple of hours. The net result was too very tired parents! But Karen pulled it off and the first day of school went well. Today also went well. The kids are really enjoying the material.

It's not true that everything in the Abigail household revolves around Hannah's sleep patterns, but her sleep patterns do have an effect on everything. Last night it took 2 hours to get her down to sleep. Tonight she went down almost immediately. But what will tonight be like...?

In addition to Edgar the Dragon and Scrofulous the Monster, the children have now been introduced to Snortaloticus. Snortaloticus has this name because he snorts a lot. His character is still forming. The children also love to hear stories about when I was a child, over and over again.


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