Sunday, July 29, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Cut and Run?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Effective Advertising?
But is this realistic? Hardly. She's probably wondering if this old guy is a sicko who is going to ask her on a date, and he's asking himself "why did I fight in World War 2 if I'm handing the country over to weirdos". More importantly, does this ad present a likely reason for me to want to ride the bus to work? I'm a people person, and I like meeting new people, but this ad dissuades me from wanting to ride the bus. Yes, I've known some really nice intelligent people who are into heavy metal, but I wouldn't ride the bus to meet the unusual personalities of the world. People ride the bus to save money.
All of which would be funny, except for the fact that a larger amount of my property taxes go to supporting transit than what goes to pay for the police.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Where is your money going?
John Robson
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Where Do We Stand? (Part 2)
If you think the press is neutral, you're dreaming. Studies have shown that members of the press are significantly more likely to vote for the Left, and significantly less likely to have any religious beliefs, than the general population. And frankly the press can spin a story a lot of different ways. Their freedom to lead us any way they want has been diminished by the rise of the blogosphere, but they're still a powerful influence. They feed the mind with the message of the Left.
The entertainment media also live out on the Left fringe. I think that's pretty obvious. Again, it's obvious that the programming on the major networks does not match the belief systems and values of the majority of the population. If the press leads our minds, the entertainment industry leads our hearts. That's what they do best; manipulating emotions.
But what about the educational system? The Left needs to own the educational system so it can influence hearts and minds from an early age. But am I being too hard on teachers? Not at all. I've met many teachers who are fine, upstanding and inspiring. I have nothing against the teaching profession. And frankly, the Left doesn't need to control all the teachers in this country. That would be very difficult. It's much easier to control the educational system by controlling the curriculum. Make sure you understand this; whoever controls the curriculum controls the educational system, and whoever controls the educational system controls the thoughts of the next generation.
I have some ideas for how right thinking people can change this. But my solution is pretty radical and expensive. I'm not sure a lot of my fellow Christians would agree with me. But I've thought a lot about this and think I have a solution which is faithful to the Scriptures and to my theological system. I'm not prepared to discuss it; not yet. Oh, and there's one other thing. The Left may control the courts, the press, the entertainment media and the educational system, but they forgot something which we can use to our advantage. There is one other structure of influence in our society that they don't own yet.
Not served well
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Where Do We Stand? (Part 1)
We have an unaccountable, activist, judicial elite. That our judiciary is unaccountable to the Canadian people is clear from the number of insane rulings our courts produce. As we saw in my last posting, fifty bricks of cocaine gets thrown out as evidence, as if it didn't exist because all of a sudden an unaccountable judge decides a search warrant is needed. Why now? Why is a search warrant needed when a Customs Officer has reasonable suspicion of a crime? Clearly the judge in question is putting herself at the forefront of judicial activism. She's now decided that a search warrant is needed and that's that. For those who are unfamiliar, judicial activism refers to our judges taking existing laws and interpreting them in new ways so as to essentially provide new meaning. And since most judges have been appointed by social liberals, judicial activism provides a way for the political left to move their agenda ahead without the influence of the elected representatives of the Canadian people.
So our judiciary is unaccountable and activist. But is it an elite? Look at the uproar when the present government suggested that the police should have a role in deciding who should become a judge. No, the only people who are qualified to nominate judges are those who are currently part of the legal system. To my way of thinking this is the very definition of an elite. But it goes farther. Ontario provincial government salaries over a certain level are a matter of public record. So go online and find out what a judge makes. Then compare this to the people the judges serve. Financially our judiciary is part of an elite. But they are also an elite because they don't share the same experience as the rest of us, or more specifically the same experience as those other people who deal with criminals. If judges had the same chances of getting hurt as a cop, I'll bet we would have less judges turning criminals out on the street. We have an unaccountable, activist, judicial elite. The Americans have two of the same problems. They have an activist judicial elite, but at least it's elected and thus accountable to the people. No (for the knee jerk anti-American crowd) we don't have to do the same as the Americans. There are other ways to make our judiciary accountable. But the first problem I'll mention is our unaccountable, activist judicial elite. So long as it continues, the insanity continues. All of this might seem quite acceptable to the judiciary and to the political left, but there are many Canadians who are intelligent, educated, patriotic and who feel poorly served by the current "justice" system.
Changing the Country for the Better
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Simple Pleasures
This afternoon Hannah was feeling peevish and was crying a bit. I looked at her, and held her and told her that even when she was crying she was still beautiful. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the cuddly moments more than the crying moments, but you're missing out on something if you can't step back and just love your child when she's crying. Of course, she wasn't doing it at 3:00am...
On the way home from church tonight I saw the widest rainbow I've ever seen. I've seen some amazing rainbows over the years. Some that stretch for a complete bow, a double rainbow with one on top of the other and the colours inverted (yes I triple checked), but today's was the widest rainbow I've ever seen. A splash of colour to end a day of simple pleasures.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Amazing what you find
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Pretending he just doesn't see
I was listening to some 60’s protest songs tonight (don’t ask). Musically they present a nice picture. Peace and love. Who can argue with that? But for all the noble aspirations (and their aspirations were noble), they had no clue on how to achieve it. Nor did they have any clue on how the world really works. They came (mostly) out of middle-class
Friday, July 06, 2007
No Common Ground
Living in Canada and with people like Jack Layton on the news each day, I've had to learn to ignore such nonsense. But no more. Read this article. I know it will make you sick, but you need to know the type of people we are dealing with. Yes, I know Yon is in Iraq and our soldiers are in Afghanistan, but we're dealing with the same type of people... terrorists. There can be no negotiation or compromise with these people. We have no common ground. It's us or them, civilization or their brutality.