Tuesday, August 26, 2003

What's with Shawn and the Hansard?

In response to Rebecca's question in the last message, no, I don't spend any time reading the daily Hansard. Instead, I use the search engine the government so thoughtful provides. The quotes I found were searching on the word "moron". As a point of interest, you can get away with calling someone a "moron" in the Ontario Legislature, but you cannot get away with saying that an honourable member has misled the Legislature. If you suggest a member is misleading the legislature you will be required to withdraw the statement. I suppose it might be interesting to do a search on the word "withdraw". Also, it might be interesting to search the Hansard for the Canadian Parliment - alas, so much to do and so little time.

Perhaps my favourite moment from the Ontario Legislature was during the reign of Bill Davis. I use the term "reign" because when Bill Davis was the provincial Premier, the Conservative Party had been in power in Ontario for longer than the Communists in China - but I digress. Anyway, some member of the Opposition was blasting away saying something like "Will the Premier admit that his government is a repressive failure!!!?" Davis was looking down, puffing his pipe, he slowly rose to his feet and said, "No" and then sat down again.


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