Monday, June 19, 2006

Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church of the U.S.A. has elected a woman as their new "Presiding Bishop" (which is what most Anglicans refer to as the "Primate"). This is yet one more theological innovation for the ECUSA.

Interestingly enough, one Anglican commentator has pointed out that this not only puts them out of step with all except 3 of 38 Anglican provinces (i.e. only 3 accept female bishops - USA, Canada and New Zealand) but also means that any American bishops she consecrates will not be recognized as bishops in 35 of the Anglican provinces).

I don't pretend to understand all the ins and outs of Anglican canon law, but this would seem to be a major problem. Of course, I'm not sure the ECUSA sees it as a problem at all. With typical Western arrogance, they are ignoring the protests of Anglican bishops in Africa, Asia and South America. Never mind that the Anglican church is growing rapidly outside the Western world, and never mind that Anglican bishops outside the Western world have more earned Doctorate degrees than the bishops in the West. West knows best.


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