The children's AWANA program is finished until September. Looks like we get our Thursday nights back again! Joel received a very nice plaque for completing one of his books.
My new job is going well. It looks like it will be a role that I will need to define myself (i.e. ask people what isn't working and then fix it). I spent some time today familarizing myself with PHP and MySQL, because it looks like we'll need a couple of web applications.
I also spent some time tonight listening to a lecture on These folks have taped a number of seminary level lectures, and they are available to listen to online free of charge. I started listening to Ronald Nash on Christian Philosophy.
Let's see, what else... I sent off a letter to the editor of one journal, and a book review to another. We'll see if either is publishable! The May issue of the Learning at Home newsletter has been sent to the family that prints it. I use MS Publisher, and save it to a PDF using "PDF Creator" and then email it to them.
In the political arena, the head of the Liberal Party announced they cannot support the latest Federal budget because they don't agree with policy X, Y and Z. But he said they wouldn't support the budget even before it was read in Parliament. So I guess the specific policy announcements were irrelevant... the Liberals decided ahead of time to obstruct the government in an effort to make the Conservative Party look worse than the corruption/arrogance filled Liberal Party. Won't they ever stop shooting themselves in the foot? At some point (such as losing a federal election) it starts to hurt.