Saturday, April 29, 2006

The answer to all evils...

We now know the answer to all evils. Public schools. It seems no matter what the issue, our government believes indoctrinating children in the public schools is the answer. Most recently, legislation has been proposed in Ontario requiring schools to teach about organ donation. Now I have nothing against organ donation, but what concepts from literature, mathematics or history are we going to chop out to make time for organ donation? Likewise schools have recently been tapped as the answer to youth obseity. And getting the schools to teach sex education will surely end problems with teen pregnancy. And... well you get the idea. Lots of ideas that may (or may not) have value, but all of them replacing education in our schools, and lots of families just assuming that the State should take care of everything. Hey parents, it's time to tell your MPP and local school board officials that your kids are in school for a good education, not to be socially engineered by the State.


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