Friday, November 04, 2005


At work I sometimes joke, "I'm independently wealthy. I just work here because it amuses me." But in many ways I am a rich man. I have a great wife and wonderful children that love me. I have health. I have friends, and a house and a job. Of course as a Christian I know I have even greater riches in the person of Christ and in the assurance of my future in heaven.

However, for the moment I want to dwell on another type of riches. I know this type of riches I am about to speak about is not as profound as the ones I previously mentioned. But it is a thought that hit me the other day. I am rich with the blessings of intellectual stimulation. At the moment I have a whack of really great, really deep books which I have purchased and still have to read. In fact, I have so many that I'm having a hard time coming up with anything I'd like for a Christmas present! For example, I am currently reading a number of books:

Truth Decay - about the philosophy of truth

The Supremacy of God in Preaching - John Piper - wow. What a Christ centered reflection on preaching. Puts the "how to" books to shame.

The Best of the Public Square - a collection of articles from First Things magazine. I don't always agree (the magazine and book lean towards Roman Catholicism) but Neuhaus really has a way of putting complex thoughts into a few words.

Empire - a book on how Britain gained her empire and the influence it had on the world. Did you know that the British Civil Service in India never numbered more than 2000 men?

Over the last couple of years I feel like my mind has come awake, and I have really started to think about the world we live in and how I, as a Christian, can interact with this world and help demonstrate the rationality of the Christian position.


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