Sunday, March 13, 2005

Father of the Year

Bethany was still sick this morning, so I went out to church by myself. This evening, Bethany asked if she could go with me. I didn't think it was such a great idea since she still had a bit of a fever. But she cried, and as a devout Christian, I do feel a little guilty about telling my children they can't go to church when they are begging me to let them come. So I said yes. About 5 minutes into the sermon, Bethany was finished. I had previously told her that if she didn't feel well, we would leave early. Still, I'm kicking myself for giving in to her in the first place. Just because she cries, I can't give her what she wants, if I as an adult know it may be bad for her. You would think I would know this lesson by now! But I suppose part of life is learning those elementary lessons over and over again.


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