Monday, June 21, 2004

Weekend Update

On Friday, Karen gave me the OK to buy a new Palm PDA. Previously my boss was loaning me her Palm Vx, which was a huge step up from the Palm Professional I was using. So I purchased a Tungsten E. It's incredible. The 320x320 colour screen is really nice, it can play .mp3's and with the SD memory chip I bought it has 160MB of memory. Perhaps most interesting is the "Docs to Go" program that lets me synchonize Word and Excel documents with my Palm. So, I downloaded the notes from about 30 sermons I've preached, as well as a whole bunch of other documents I regularly look at. Really neat.

The kids like a story when they are in the bath, so I've been telling them the adventures of Spaceman Spiff, who in fact sounds a lot like Joel. Spiff keeps encountering these horrible monsters. The first had a long face and sharp teeth and claws and was covered with hair and had pads on the bottom of it's feet and a nose that dripped slime and... turned out to be a puppy dog. The next monster stood on 4 legs and had horns and huge googly eyes and it would look at you and say "Moo". Then Spiff visited the planet Marsupion and met a monster that had huge back legs and tiny front legs and worst of all it's stomach opened up and out came small Marsupions, and this of course was a kangaroo. My final monster was called Proboscon. Proboscon has this long probe he sticks into people to suck their blood! Proboscon also has big eyes and wings and... at this point Bethany started laughing and asked me how big the Proboscon was (because she had figured out it was a mosquito. So, then Joel comes into my study with a story of his own about a monster that just turned out to be a bat. I think they're getting the hang of it!


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