Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Democracy is dangerous in Canada!

Stephen Harper, who is the Conservative candidate for Prime Minister in the upcoming elections, has stated he would not introduce legislation or hold a referendum on the issue of abortion, but that if a private member introduced a bill on the issue he would let the members of his government vote their consciences (rather than forcing all members of the ruling party to vote one way). Liberals and womens groups have gone ballistic! How dare he let people vote their consciences! How dare he let democracy function in Canada! There are some issues that are too important to let the people be heard through their democratically elected representatives!

Of course, this isn't surprising. The last decade of Liberal government has consistently refused to let Parliament rule on touchy issues. Far better to abdicate responsibility to the unelected courts. That way nobody can blame the Liberal party! Furthermore, the Liberals act like the "Not Withstanding" clause in the Constitution is a terrible, evil device, and that anyone who would use it is evil. But in refusing to let Parliament decide issues, the rights of Parliament and the functioning of democracy in Canada have been diminished. We are no longer a democracy, but rather we are ruled by the courts. The 'Not Withstanding" clause in the Constitution has been reduced to a curious historical after-thought, rather than an important device to protect the supremacy of democratic rule in Canada. This is not what we intended and this is not what the Constitution says, but a decade of dodging issues by the Liberals have left us in this sad position.

Of course, I have no strong opinion on this issue...


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