Saturday, December 13, 2003

A Day in the Life of the Abigail Family

This morning we woke and I had my favourite breakfast - coffee with french vanilla cream, and two bagels from Great Canadian Bagel (one cheddar herb and one chocolate chip). Incidently, the guy who owns the bagel place used to be a computer programmer. There's not much work available, so he created his own job.

I picked up a TV from the repair place. It's the TV I use with my Sunday School class and it broke the second time we used it. We're going through the video version of "How Should We Then Live?". On the way home, I picked up Quiznos subs. Karen says that "Fat Albert" subs used to be as good as these, but most of the places closed their doors and then they went downhill (stopped using "real" cheese, etc.).

At this point, allow me to rant. In the United States, they call cheese slices "American cheese". In Canada we call it "processed cheese". I really dislike American chains that modify their menus from "American cheese" to "Canadian cheese". OK, rant is over and I feel better.

Anyway, I read a couple chapters of "Strawberry Girl" to the children, which is part of their curiculum. We had some tickle time, Bethany read 10 chapters from "Swiss Family Robinson" and Joel and I played Lego. Joel has been drawing pictures of the baby in a crib (note to self: buy a crib for the baby) and very detailed drawings of "Bibleman" (a superhero designed to fit a certain market segment). I made chicken pesto penne for supper (FYI for the purists - I used pesto from a jar). Karen has a cold that won't let up, but she did some cleaning, looked after the children while I took a nap (bliss), and did some Christmas wrapping.

The mention of Christmas jogs my memory about another event today. I was explaining to the children that I want a pink elephant for Christmas, and I'm sure they bought me one and have it hidden in a neighbour's garage. Bethany told me that she knows I'm kidding because I'm using my "jokey voice". I asked her what my jokely voice is like. She couldn't exactly say, but she knows my voice is different when I'm trying to pull her leg.


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