Monday, November 24, 2003

Abigail Family Update

Joel has decided he no longer wants to be called Joel. Instead, he would prefer to be called "Nosy Clearchus". This is what happens when you discuss potential names for the coming baby at the same time as you read Xenophon's Anabasis, and the 5 year old hears you. Please note that I would never seriously think about naming one of my children after a Spartan general.

I'm rather under the weather. I wasn't sure whether it was a bug, or the stress (the pending layoffs at work are still pending). A fellow Christian at work dropped off a very encouraging article for me to read (the core of which pointed out that we can't do everything we should so we really need to trust in God more). Also, I talked to Karen about all of it, which was particularly encouraging today. I took the afternoon off work and went to the doctor. He said everything is consistent with me having some viral bug and that I should feel better in a couple of day. So hopefully in a few days I'll be back to normal. In the mean time I've lost about 5 pounds, but as the doctor kindly pointed out, I still have some "reserves".


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