Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My Children are Wonderful

Bethany had her Grade One Piano exam this week. It was a struggle to get her to finish this year, and so I doubt that she will do another year. This is too bad because she is really getting good. It’s also too bad because I bought a nice digital piano last year! Perhaps private lessons where she could go at her own speed? She is talking about wanting to learn the guitar. We'll see.

Joel doesn’t seem too interested in lessons of any sort. We’ve asked about music, sports, chess and other things. Nope. No interest. So we will continue to offer him opportunities and push him a bit but not push him too much. He has started to read more. He is taking the full length Hardy Boys books out of the library and is doing quite well.

Hannah mostly sleeps through the night. She is starting to understand questions, and if she is interested in something will say “Me!” This morning when she woke up, Karen brought her into our room and she made a big fuss. So I said, “Hannah, would you like to go downstairs?” And she started smiling and said “Me!” This is part of our early morning routine. Karen usually gets up with Hannah at night, and I get up with her early in the morning. I bring her downstairs and give her part of my breakfast bagel. She loves it!


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