Wednesday, June 29, 2005


While down in Lake George, I got a souvenirs for Bethany and Joel. Each of them got one of those pennies that gets squished into an oval shape with some image imprinted on it. Tonight, Bethany cried and cried because she had lost hers at the Sunday School Picnic last Sunday. She was devastated over the loss of this 51 cent souvenir. So what is a Dad to do? The best thing I could think of was to offer to purchase Joel’s (knowing that he is short on money having spent it all on Lego). He was quite agreeable and we settled on $5. Then, 10 minutes later Bethany comes skipping into the room to show me that she found the lost souvenir! So I told Joel he could keep his squished penny and sent him to bed. Another 10 minutes goes by and Karen comes into the room to tell me that Joel is laying in bed crying over the $5. So, I went into his room and offered to once again buy the squished penny for $5. So, Joel now has $5 and Bethany and I each have a squished penny. Anyone want to buy a cool souvenir of Lake George? Special sale price is $6 (hey, I have to make a profit for all my troubles!).


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