Monday, December 13, 2004

A Nice Restful Three Day Weekend

I took today off work, making it a long weekend. It seems our weekends are super-busy, and having a long weekend just seemed to make it busier. Saturday I shoveled a bunch of wet heavy snow, but thankfully our neighbour loaned me his snow blower for part of it. I ended up shoveling for about 60 minutes. Saturday night was one of those nights with Hannah. I was up from midnight to 2:00am with her in my lap the whole time. She took good naps on Saturday, and I guess we had to pay the price.

Sunday was eventful for Joel, because he was running around at church and bumped into someone. He ended up with a bloody mouth and 4 loose teeth. Thankfully the loose ones are all baby teeth. But in 10 minutes he was running around again. I think its because he’s a boy.

One of Joel’s loose teeth came out today while Joel was eating a bagel. Today I shoveled more snow, but thankfully it was light. Still, it was about 75 minutes of shoveling. It seems God has an exercise plan in store for me, and it involves shoveling! Karen got out for a couple of hours to do some shopping. I also got a small order of books that I am shipping to a fellow in India.


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