Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Power power everywhere, and not a newton to drink...

We had another power outage today. It wasn't one of those province crippling widespread outages; just a regular Kanata crippling 3 hour outage. Kanata has the most unreliable electrical supply of any city I've seen. Apparently some substandard wires were buried 20 years ago and they are starting to go. OK, but if there was any competition, the local utility would be out of business.

Hannah had her immunization today, and so she had a red sore leg and was really crabby. When we got her down to sleep, I went to sleep right away. I slept from 8:30 to 11:30, then I was up with Hannah for a while, and now I'm just about ready to go back to sleep.

I barbequed hamburgers Monday night. The Loblaws President's Choice Prime Rib burgers are about the best I've ever tasted! Highly recommended!


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