Friday, April 09, 2004

Good Memories and Bad Memories

Karen is in much better shape after this birth than after her previous two pregnancies. Karen's Mom is coming over during the mornings and helping out with cooking and laundry and child care and... well pretty much everything. My Mom is coming in a week or so for a visit to also help out. It's also nice to know we have some many good friends who want to help. These are the kinds of friends who not only offer to help, but who would be mad at you if you needed help and didn't ask them!

All of this brings back a lot of memories of when Joel was born, both good and bad memories. When Karen was expecting Joel, her parents were living in Florida for the winters. Her Mom offered to come back for the birth, but we thought we could handle it. In fact, we were in way over our heads. Karen had a very difficult delivery with Joel and it was too much for us. I remember phoning my parents one morning and asking if they could come help. They threw some stuff in their van and arrived in time to help with supper. It was a difficult time, but the help we received is a good and precious memory. This time around, things are going better, but the help we are receiving from Karen's Mom and (soon to come) my Mom is also a good memory.


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