Friday, March 26, 2004

Another Appearance of Scrofulious the Monster!

Scrofulious the Monster made another surprising but not unwelcome appearance on Wednesday. I was driving Bethany home from music lessons when Bethany called out "Be Scrofulious Daddy!". Note that the request was not, "Act like Scrofulious" or "Talk like Scrofulious", but rather "Be Scrofulious." I have no idea what she was talking about, but coincidentally Scrofulious the Monster appeared soon after that.

You may be curious as to why Scrofulious the Monster likes tickling children. The answer is obvious; it tenderizes the meat. Tonight Scrofulious the Monster explained to Joel that he is just the right size. In other words, he is the same size as a good pot roast. Scrofulious the Monster just loves little guys who taste like pot roast.

The tables turned on Scrofulious the Monster last night. It turns out that the children know Scrofulious the Monster's Deepest, Darkest Secret (he's worried the children will eat his toes). Scrofulious the Monster ended up getting his toes eaten (right through his socks) and cried great big monster tears. It turns out Scrofulious the Monster isn't very fearsome after all!


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