Saturday, March 13, 2004

People, People, People

Today we stopped at the bank. While getting out of the car, Bethany said, "What's wrong with that car?" I looked, and smoke was coming from the inside. When I looked closer, I could see it was a cigarette burning in the ashtray. Someone had gone into the bank and rather than butting out, risked burning their car. People.

Going into the bank, I went up to the counter with a $20 money order Joel received as a gift and said, "This is Joel and he would like to cash this money order." The girl asked me, "Does he have an account." I guess they had no intention of risking $20 if my 6 year old son didn't have an account. After all, perhaps I took my 2 children to the bank for the express purpose of teaching them how to steal $20 from a bank while 8 different cameras record me doing it! I told her I had an account and presented my bank card. On the other hand, if Joel's name had been on the money order (the name was blank) and they had refused to cash it without Joel having an account, I would have pulled my bank account, my mortgage, my investments and my life insurance from that institution. I think the people who make the rules need to understand that it costs a lot more to get a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. Mind you, Sears didn't understand this, so why should the bank? People.

A while ago I went to the grocery store to get some chicken souvlaki sticks for a barbeque. I told the butcher how good they were, and that these were one of the reasons why I'm willing to drive a bit further to get to their store. He said, "Yah, these things are better than cocaine!" I looked at him for a minute and he added, "Or so I've been told." Well maybe he is a cokehead, but he sure knows good meat. People.


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