Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Nobel Prize

To further my drive to secure a Nobel Peace Prize for Ang Lee (being that works of fiction now qualify), I am offering a new, still wrapped DVD of "Sense and Sensibility" to one of the commenter's on my blog. Anyone leaving a comment against this specific blog entry will be automatically entered to win. Next Monday I will have one of my children randomly select a name and I'll post the name of the winner. The DVD will be sent by mail to the winner upon me receiving the postal address. Note that this is only open to residents of North America and is void where prohibited by law.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will happily comment - and I'm in agreement with you. Until Al Gore is able to pull together successful films in more than one category, he should definitely lose the "fiction films Nobel" (what a concept!) to someone like Lee, who has managed to handle projects varying from Sense and Sensibility to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. (And from what I've heard, Gore has at least two films to go, since you can't really count his most recent "project" as "film" in the common sense).

Meanwhile, it should be awfully fun setting up all the new Nobel prize categories! Think of what this opens up - a Nobel Prize for a beautiful hockey goal which inspires the populace, a perfectly bred flower representing our hopes for the future, for being wasted away by drugs and therefore an example to the world, thus contributing to humanity. Ugh.

9:42 a.m.  
Blogger Rileysowner said...

How can I speak against something I agree with, although I would nominate Peter Jackson for the LOTR series of films.

2:17 p.m.  
Blogger R.J. Anderson said...

Yay Ang Lee! One of my brother's best friends did the soundtrack for "The Ice Storm" (which I haven't seen, but anyway...). Didn't care for "Crouching Tiger" at all, though.

As for Peter Jackson, I personally would like to nominate him to be beaten over the head with the original LotR. In one volume. In hardcover. Yes, I know the movies could have been a LOT worse and he certainly gave it a good try, but I'm never going to get over the character assassination of Faramir. Never.

3:19 p.m.  
Blogger Joe Blackmon said...

I'm just curious how you could support a film maker who made a movie about a homosexual love story if you are a Christian.

Just curious.

7:43 a.m.  
Blogger Shawn Abigail said...

Hi Joe,

First of all, my posting is a tongue-in-cheek critique of the wisdom of awarding a Nobel Peace Prize to a filmmaker, particularly one whose film has been found by British courts to contain errors of scientific fact for partisan political purposes. It was not intended to be a commentary on homosexuality.

Second, I was referring to, and gave away, a copy of "Sense and Sensibility". IMHO it is a very well done film. Nobody could watch Sense and Sensibility and infer that the Director had also done a film about a homosexual love story.

So in short, I see nothing inconsistent about me as a Christian making the blog posting I made.


5:47 p.m.  

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