Saturday, June 03, 2006

Home Grown Terrorism

Police in Ontario conducted a series of raids on terrorists in the Toronto area last night. Recovered was 3 tons of Ammonium Nitrate (only 1 ton was used in the Oklahoma City bombing). I can just see the extreme left making their defense now... these were extremely zealous farmers innocently caught up in Stephen Harper's attempt to turn Canada over to George Bush.

Interestingly enough, initial reports say all the suspects are Canadian citizens or Canadian residents. Apparently they are angered by the way Muslims are being treated. Of course, Muslims are extremely well treated in Canada (freedom of religion, Islamic communities, Islamic schools, Hallal food, etc). Much better treated than Christians in Saudi Arabia or Jews in Iran. But I guess that doesn't mean anything. They are upset, and ready to kill.

Time to wake up. There are people living in our own country who do not like us very much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


If some of these guys are residents (i.e. not Canadian citizens), how is the terrorism "home grown?" At least part of it is imported. Unless you are suggesting that the foreigners were recruted by Canadians...

11:09 p.m.  
Blogger Shawn Abigail said...

Good point. A clarification... most of them are Canadian citizens, and most of them have grown up in Canada.

2:48 p.m.  
Blogger Blake Kennedy said...

You don't need to blow up a building or kill people to terrorize them, or be a menace to society. As (presumably?) an elder in a Brethren assembly, I thought you would have figured that one out by now.

3:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Blake,

Cheap shots like this are beneath you. We also had this conversation about Caledonia on Canadian Christian Conservative and you kicked my but for making a comment like this. What gives?

10:26 p.m.  
Blogger Shawn Abigail said...

I'm not an elder in any sort of church... not that this is relevant to the discussion.

Are you equating people who are verbally abusive and controlling with people who want to use 3 tons of explosive to blow up some buildings? Really?

10:37 p.m.  
Blogger Blake Kennedy said...

It's a bastardized quote from Angel, where Wesley says to Angel something to the effect of a father doesn't have to be possessed by a demon to terrorize his children.

It's the same here: one can inflict a lot of damage and terror on people without once ordering ammonium nitrate or blowing up a building or killing people: all you have to do is use any social status you have to intimidate and minimize others, and the job is done. That's all I'm saying. Have Brethren elders been guilty of that? Absolutely. Has Shawn? Don't know. But he could, if he wanted to.

10:41 p.m.  
Blogger Shawn Abigail said...

So you do equate a church leader misusing his position with someone setting off a 3 ton bomb? Sorry Blake, but they just aren't in the same league. Spiritual abuse by clergy (or the equivalent) is very wrong, but it is not terrorism.

Could I abuse people this way. No, I don't think so. Over the years God has been working on me, and I trust He will prevent me from abusing any responsibility He gives me. At least that would be my prayer.

11:25 p.m.  
Blogger Blake Kennedy said...

"So you do equate a church leader misusing his position with someone setting off a 3 ton bomb? Sorry Blake, but they just aren't in the same league. Spiritual abuse by clergy (or the equivalent) is very wrong, but it is not terrorism."

My point isn't to equivocate between the acts, it's to point out something in common: that both actions are terroristic and immoral. The fact that one results in death and the other only results in spiritual and emotional devestation is immaterial. Both share the intent of compelling people to act in x manner by use of fear.

Does this seem extreme? Not when you compare apples to apples. All I'm saying is, some people use bombs to inflict fear upon people and coerce them into believing or doing something, and other use psychological and religious pressure. Both are equally abhorrent. Aren't they?

12:16 a.m.  

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