Monday, September 22, 2003

Much to be thankful for

My car died today. Two years old and the engine quit while I was driving. And so, to paraphrase Matthew Henry, I have much to be thankful for.

1. the car quit on a small road, not a highway
2. I was able to get to a Loblaws parking lot
3. someone was there to help me push my car
4. I did not end up blocking traffic
5. there was a phone I could use at the store
6. I was able to buy a snack at the store
7. I have CAA, so the tow was free
8. it didn't rain on me while I waited
9. the car is still under warrantee
10. there was no accident
11. the children were not with me
12. I was driving the car, not my pregnant wife
13. we have a second car
14. I used this as a chance to take my family out for supper

Yes, I still feel stressed and upset by the whole thing, but I know there are blessings upon blessings in my life. And so begins the process of trying to get the heart to live at the same level as the intellect.


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