Saturday, September 18, 2004


We went to the library this morning. Bethany took out 17 books, which is a lot even for her. And the children got their own library cards. I took out a book on great speeches, but I plan to leaf through it rather than reading it cover to cover.

Karen is a bit under the weather today, so we had to skip a birthday party for a friend 8-(

I bought a DVD player today. We don't watch a lot of videos, and we watch zero television, but the price has come down and any new releases we want will be in DVD format. Predictably, I also got 3 DVD's with the play - Casablanca, Maltese Falcon and the recent release of Emma.

Speaking of "Emma", or more specifically, speaking of Jane Austen, I started reading Mansfield Park for some light reading. You have to pay attention when reading Jane Austen, because inthe style of the period she often expresses herself in round about ways, but it doesn't require deep thinking.


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