Saturday, August 09, 2003

Choosing a Church

Some friends have recently moved, and are in the process of finding a local church. All of these friends have servant hearts, and so I'm sure they will find a church to settle in where they can be a blessing to others. However, this got me to thinking about what I value most in a church. Here is my first attempt at putting together a list (note that I assume that all of these churches are evangelical, show some signs of spiritual life, and are within a reasonable driving distance).

1) a weekly remembrance of the Lord Jesus (often referred to as a "Communion Service"). This act of worship is fundamental, and a weekly remembrance shows that a church has it's heart on worship and obedience. I very much appreciate the hour long "Breaking of Bread" my current church has (and indeed, people who have left to attend other churches which don't have this weekly remembrance tell me that this is what they miss most). However, whether it is a weekly one hour non-liturgical meeting like I am familar with, a weekly remembrance of the Lord Jesus in some form is fundamental.

2) church leadership by a plurality of Biblically qualified elders is my second most important point. If a local church has a plurality of elders, this tells me that the church is committed to obeying much of the New Testament with regards to church order. It also tells me that my soul is likely to receive proper shepherding (according to the Bible) and that I will likely be spared from the potential excesses of one man rule.

3) dispensational and non-charismatic doctrine. I have friends who are fine Christians in each of the opposite theological camps, but if a church is dispensational and non-charismatic, I have a pretty good idea where they stand on most theological issues, and even more important, what hermeneutic principles they will use for interpreting the Bible.

Thoughts? Opinions?


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